The Music Box - A Personal Ear Trainer (c)1995 Carner Enterprises Demo Version 1.0 The Music Box - A Personal Ear Trainer is a unique new program for Windows devoted entirely to ear training. Using The Music Box, music teachers and students can improve their ability to identify intervals and triads, take melodic dictation and even sight sing. Program Features: ================= - Select any group of intervals from 1/2 step through an octave for practice - Select from major, minor, diminished and augmented triad sonorities - Practice identifying intervals or triads individually - Take melodic dictation in diatonic or chromatic mode - Sight sing melodies - Customize melody, tempo, mode and length - Practice recognizing pitches - Select from a number of instrument sonorities - Program generates a new melody every time - Affordable price Easy to Use =========== After just minutes, you will be able to practice exercises that will improve your ear. The Music Box comes complete with full on-line help to guide you through all of the program's capabilities. Adjust the Level of Difficulty ============================== The Music Box allows you to set the level of difficulty for your practice session. By selecting the intervals, triads and melodic options you can practice just a few intervals and short simple melodies or elevate the level of difficulty all the way to every interval within an octave and extremely complex melodies. About Shareware and this Demo disk ================================== The Music Box is shareware. The shareware distribution system relies on users to share the unregistered demonstration version of the program. You may make copies of the demo disk and share them with anyone you feel may be interested in the program. The demonstration version of the program does limit the choices of intervals and a few other features, but fully illustrates the power of the program. After a trial period, you may purchase the fully functional version of the program by registering with Carner Enterprises (the registered version may not be copied and distributed). The on-line help file in the demo version has full instructions on how to register. Written for musicians by a musician =================================== The Music Box was written by a musician and programmer. This program results from my own desire to practice ear training without the aid of another person. All you need is a PC with a sound card to take advantage of hours of ear training at your own pace. To Install the Zip version ========================== Unzip the into a directory such as c:\musicboxd. Then double click on musicbox.exe in File Manager or run this file using the File - Run command in File Manager or Program Manager. The Music Box program files: musicbox.exe musicbox.hlp The Music Box requires Windows 3.1 (or better - including WIndows 95) and a sound card in your PC to function properly. Disclaimer of Warranty ====================== Users of The Music Box - A Personal Ear Trainer must accept this disclaimer of warranty: The Music Box - A Personal Ear Trainer is supplied as is. The author disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose. The author assumes no liability for damages, direct or consequential, which may result from the use of The Music Box - A Personal Ear Trainer. Thank you very much for your interest in this program and happy music making!